• From Karl Hammer’s Chickens to Human Self-Creation

    “Our chickens are welcome to stay and free to leave,” Karl Hammer said about his “working chickens”. It is indeed a high expression of chicken-hood.

    Do humans “measure up”? How? Why not?
    Oftentimes, patients come to therapy but hesitate to look into the core of their internal life. The psychic injury of the past seemed still a fresh wound in their mind’s eye. The courage in facing what is “there”, as Karl’s chickens, instead of imagining what one believes is “there”, like my patients do, is no...

  • Sexing Chickens – A Coin Flip

    Misguided self-confidence does not match accurate results – sexing chickens turns out to be one of such unfortunate events that fits the statement.
    My supposedly 5-hen-flock has 3 rooster-imposters, providing me 40% of the egg production….
    The clickable title will help any homesteader avoid such disappointing results while saving time and money.

  • From Nell to “Chick Mirror”

    Most of the time, it is much easier to see the “outer clothing” of the matter than perceiving the “deep truth”. The latter requires clear-sightedness, which may not be possible with our sophistry and neuroses in the way.
    As a result, a lone chick may die of emotional deprivation….
    The clickable title will take you to the subject matter.

  • Creatures of Habit

    Chickens and humans are both creatures of habit. A slight change may interrupt the “flow of things” and elicit an often undesirable reaction.
    Does the swiftness and ease of adaptation represent emotional health?